Before and After Coal


More than an exercise in nostalgia, Before and After Coal is the result of an innovative collaboration between artist Nicky Bird, the National Galleries of Scotland and mining communities.

The project was inspired by the work of American photographer Milton Rogovin who in 1982 photographed Scottish mineworkers at work, at home and at leisure. Nicky retraced the photographer’s journey through meeting with individuals and families connected with the original photographs. Community engagement work by both Nicky and the National Galleries of Scotland took place across Fife, East Ayrshire and the Lothians. Through a series of ‘Then and Now’ workshops and ‘Show and Tell’ events, people came to share their memorabilia and stories as well as view Rogovin’s images. Many would recognise family members, workmates, friends and for some, even themselves. Forty years on, the voices from Scotland’s mining communities focused on themes of family, community spirit, heritage, work and place. They also expressed feelings about what has changed and what has endured, including personal reflections on the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85. Alongside themes of reminiscence and remembrance, the voices of young people from these communities are also weaved into the exhibition. In contrast to direct experience of a mining past, their artworks turn attentions to today’s challenges of climate change and online culture.

On 23 March 2024, Before and After Coal: Images and Voices from Scotland’s Mining Communities opened with a Gala day event. On 15 September 2024, it closes with the Newtongrange Silver Band playing in the NGS Portrait’s Grand Hall. It then tours to Kirkcaldy Art Gallery, Fife (7 December 2024 – 20 April 2025) and The Baird Institute, East Ayrshire (8 May – 23 August 2025) .

List of Resources

Before and After Coal | Audio Tour by The National Galleries of Scotland

Introduced by Milton Rogovin’s daughter Paula, the audio tour features Nicky in conversation with former miners from Fife, Iain and Watty, followed by June and Linda, leaders of the Newtongrange Village Voices, Local History and Reminiscence Group. The audio tour includes conversations between Milton’s daughter Paula and granddaughter Malaika, where they share memories and stories of growing up with his work. The stories shared are personal and reflect a range of experiences of working and living in Scotland’s mining communities, both then and now.

Before and After Coal | Opening Talk with Anne Lyden, Nicky Bird, Robin Baillie and audience Q&A, March 26, 2024. [Duration: 1 hour].

Nicky Bird | Mineworkings

In these blogs and audio recordings, Nicky shares some of the stories she encountered and the roles that photographs and other forms of memorabilia have played in her work.

A Life’s Work | Alex ‘Sanny’ Doolan (1921–1986)

‘He would gather this phenomenal reputation of having successfully represented, over 20, 30 years thousands of appeals against decisions that had denied workers and colliers and their families benefits.’

In 1982, Milton and Anne Rogovin’s visit to Ayrshire’s mining communities was arranged by Alex ‘Sanny’ Doolan, the Ayrshire Agent of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). In this audio tribute, John Doolan talks about the life, times and politics of his father. Recorded by Nicky Bird, 2021. [Duration: 18:28].

Before and After Coal: The Interviews

One-to-one interviews recorded by Nicky Bird, 2023, as part of her series Mineworkings, 2023-24, with former mineworkers. Each provides an account in his own words about how they came to work in the mining industry. The interviews include themes of comradery, experiences of working underground, views on the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85 and what that meant for their lives after coal.

Loud and Proud | Scottish Miners’ Banners

This blog by Robin Baillie, Outreach Coordinator focusses on the banners that were created during the NGS community engagement project, and in support of the exhibition. They tell a story of de-industrialisation and change.

After Burn | Community Engagement Project Film

This film presents the experiences of former miners and their families. It explores what it was like to be a miner or to live in a mining village, and what’s left after the mines have gone. [Duration: 16:04].

Before and After Coal: Images and Voices from Scotland’s Mining Communities
by Anne Lyden, Nicky Bird, Robin Baillie

A 32 page publication
24 illustrations
17cm x 17cm
National Galleries of Scotland, 2024
ISBN: 978 1 911054 69 6

Available to buy here

‘Photographic work separated by more than 40 years takes a moving look at working-class communities under siege’ ★★★★★

Nicky Bird & Milton Rogovin: Before And After Coal review – Living history that is as beautiful as it is painful

Neil Cooper, The List, 4 June 2024

TOP IMAGE (detail): John and Dave, Live Guides, National Mining Museum Scotland / The Lady Victoria Colliery, Newtongrange. Detail from Mineworkings (Midlothian 1), 2023-24, by Nicky Bird